Join Our Team
Raj Mahal Productions aims to create media of exceptional quality for worldwide distribution, with the goal of fostering the public understanding of the Punjubi people and the Sikh religion. We develop ideas for our films internally and also receive them from outside producers, broadcasters, and creative’s. Once we agree to pursue a project, we provide funding and editorial expertise, with the goal of achieving critical, artistic, and cinematography success.
Creative Talent
We welcome proposal submissions from talented filmmakers who share our values.
We are also always on the look-out for talented directors, script writers and film makers who are interested in working with us. For information please contact us.
Investment Oppurtunities
Aside from our creative endeavours, Rajmahal Production's parent company Salindera and Co Pty Ltd also has a diverse realestate and Agri-Business Portfolio. At present we are developing a largescale lifestyle waterfront development on the Picturesque North Coast of Australia. The site has excellent potential for residential investment and also commercial investment opportunities including retirement village site, shopping centres, medical facilities, education institution campuses, resorts, clubs, hotels and motels. Please contact us directly for more information.